Aurora Citizen

News & Views from the Citizens of Aurora Ontario

Aurora Pet Cemetary to be Developed

Posted by auroracitizen on November 21, 2010

Hi there –

I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the Aurora Pet Cemetery? I have recently visited the “secret” cemetery (I had to trespass of course but it was well worth it)!

I captured 100 plus pictures of pet head stones dating back to the early 1900’s right up until the early 80’s. You can find all kinds of different pets ranging from dogs, cats, birds and bunnies!

For any pet lover it pulls at your heart strings and doesn’t let go …… the shame is that a developer has purchased the land and will be destroying what I think is quite a significant piece of Auroras history and quite interesting as well.

I have been investigating this land mark all summer long and would love to share my findings with someone who might like to help me bring some “visibility” to this very unique and touching part of our town….. at the very least it would be nice to profile it, if not save some of the head stones that exist there (although I counted easily 200 plus) of the ones that I could find…..

Thank you for your time


Moderators Note:Kelli provided her phone number for anyone who wanted to contact her. Please send an email to and we will connect you.

10 Responses to “Aurora Pet Cemetary to be Developed”

  1. Anonymous said

    This site is a matter of historical significance to the Town of Aurora. As a final resting place for pets that were so beloved by their owners and from what I have heard, over 200 resting places, it most definately should be a heritage site and opened up to the public.

  2. Jacques Clancy said

    Kelli, have you considered sharing your pictures on Flickr (or a similar website)?

  3. Jacqueline Stuart said

    Kelli–Mai Al Nabhan, the Town’s heritage planner, has a copy of a report on the pet cemetery which I wrote when I curator of the old Aurora Museum, and I know she would be glad to send it to you.

    For others interested… the cemetery is down behind and to one side of Kennel Inn. Please note that this is private property!!

    • Kelli said

      Thank you – I have that report already. and yet no one is interested……. I give up. The original owner of this piece of land was only the founding editor of MacCleans magazine,and was a woman, but really, who would be interested in that little nugget of information ….. not important at all ……

    • David Heard said


      There are many reasons I would like to talk to you.

      Please email me at

      This has great things written all over it.

  4. evelyn.buck said

    Aurora Planning Department has a heritage planner on staff. I’m sure advice could be obtained about the heritage significance of the pet cemetery and the headstones as artifacts.

    Mai Alnabhan is the name and the extension number is 4351

  5. evelyn.buck said

    We have a heritage planner as part of the planning staff complement.
    A pet cemetery as old as you describe, may well be of historical interest.
    The planner would be able to offer an opinion and if there are artifacts to be saved, advice would probably be available.
    A phone call to the heritage planner would likely provide answers.

    • Sprite said

      It is more than likely that this was on the property of a well-known veterinarian of the day named Alan Secord.

    • Kelli said

      Evelyn – is the heritage planner with the Town Office or the Historical Society? I have been to the HS and they were not interested…….

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